The company Hellenic Shipyards S.A. (HSY) Under Special Administration
The under special administration company Hellenic Shipyards S.A. (HSY) in Skaramangas, Attica is the largest shipyard in Greece, as well as being the largest one in the entire region of the eastern Mediterranean. It is a world-renowned shipbuilding industrial unit, whose founder was the emblematic Greek tycoon Stavros Niarchos. It has a history of more than sixty years and lengthy experience in the construction and repairs of many different types of vessels, among which are the most advanced conventional submarines globally.
By virtue of ruling no. 725/08.03.2018 of the Athens Court of First Instance (Ex parte Proceedings), the public limited company with the registered trade name “HELLENIC SHIPYARDS S.A.” was placed in a regime of special administration of articles 68 and subsequent of Law 4307/2014.
Pursuant to the aforementioned ruling, Mr. Christodoulos Seferis was appointed as special administrator.